Version 2.1.1 – Multiple user cooperation

Form the very beginning Triobo has been developed as a cloud service, it is therefore obvious that you can work with the system anytime and from anywhere. Cooperating graphic designers do not have to sit all in one room, but can be literally catered around the world. This version additionally improves the coordination of their work.

In this context, the behavior has changed when you change the properties of each article and the whole issue. While all that relates to the open article, will be saved when you press “Save” button, than consequently everything related to the entire issue, will be accomplished immediately.

Pressing the “Save” button will then save:
• properties of each object in the currently opened article layout
• layout settings (gallery properties, page background)

Immediately (at closing of each corresponding dialog) will take effect:
• changes in the color palette
• changing styles
• setting the whole issue

Changes related to the entire issue (color palettes, styles, settings) will be shown immediately to all users who have opened any other article of this issue.

Example: User 1 has an open cell A, user 2 has an open cell B, both of these articles belong to the same issue.

Situation: A user has changed the color palette (color added, changed color settings …). User B will already see the new palette when he next opens the dialog for color selection.

Situation: A user has changed the style settings Title from red to blue text. User B will see that the title color of his article also changes.

Situation: A user sets the global background to yellow. If Article 2 also uses a global setting, then it also affects set the background immediately.

Multiple users in one article

Information whether the article is opened by another user, can be seen in the list of articles (icon “figure” is activated, the name will show when moving the mouse over it). If you try to open such an article, you will be alerted that another user works with article. You can open article in “Read Only” mode, without disrupting the work of the other user. But you can also enforce entry into the article: the original user is immediately “thrown out” from the article (without having the ability to save his changes).

Multi-language publications

Since this version one publication may also contain several language versions. Each issue is than set what language it should display (one issue can be displayed in multiple languages). To support this feature, you must have a newer version of the reader. To use the multilingual version, please contact the Triobo team.