Version 2.1.2 – New style management

After improving the management of colors (version 2.1) we have also incorporated the new management of styles. It is suitable to note that the styles are common to the entire issue, so if you change styles in one article, the change will have effect on others as well.

Newly when selecting a style you will see the Manage Styles button. On the left side you can see a list of available styles – there is always displayed the default style. From here, all styles inherit their settings; therefore it is suitable to make the base style settings (the default font, color, size) just in this default style.

Other styles can be then added with the + button. You can set the entire paragraph formatting (those without setting will inherit the default style). Under settings you can instantly see the format sample.

Use the up and down arrows to change the order of styles. Keep in mind that the default style has the keyboard shortcut Alt + 0, and for the first nine user-predefined styles you may use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Alt + 1 to 9 (all on the numeric keypad).

If you choose to delete a style, Triobo will ask you, what style you want to replace the text with. After the confirmation and saving of Manage Styles dialog, all deleted styles will be replaced with those you have selected – and this also applies to all articles of the issue.